Expressions Research Orientations: Sexuality Studies

  EROSS@DCU is a sexuality-focused research cluster which 

 encompasses perspectives from human rights, law, sociology, media and communication studies, medical humanities, health, the arts, literature, music, cultural studies, language and linguistics, theology, philosophy...

EROSS@DCU recognises the intersectional  nature of gender and sex matters, and their intrinsic relationship to our experiences in the world as intimate, social and political beings. 

EROSS@DCU is free and open to researchers, activists, service providers or artists from fields interested in any aspects of all sexualities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. 

News and Events

Spaces In between
Naples, Italy

Fringe/Margini/Eross Conference

3-5 April 2025

Queer and Here course III 2023/2024
on campus 

For LGBTQ Migrants
Semester 2 2023/24 

The Mad Women's Ball 
on campus

Interview with Victoria Mas
Thursday November 9, 2023 

Queer Space beyond the Anglosphere

Roundtable on Queerness, Language and Space
Thursday November 16, 2023