EROSS has been in existence since 2010. The original website has been updated. Here are some of the landmark achievements of the original group, which also account for the nature of the new EROSS@DCU.
Pre-2020 EROSS PhD Graduates
[2019] Dr Maria de Los Angeles Lara-Jaen, Sexuality and the Chicana/o Detective: Identity and Violence in Alicia Gaspar de Alba and Michael Nava’s Mystery Fiction. Supervised by Jean-Philippe Imbert and Dr Catherine Leen (N.U.I. Maynooth, Ireland)
[2019] Dr Michael Monaghan, Dismantling the Binary of Gendered Gazes in Filmic and Literary Representations of Murder. Supervised by Jean-Philippe Imbert and Prof. Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
[2019] Dr Caroline West [SALIS Scholar], Dancing in the Shadows of the Outer Limits: An Investigation of Anti- and Pro-Pornography Feminist Theories Concentrating on the Experiences of Women in the American Mainstream Pornography Industry. Supervised by Jean-Philippe Imbert and Dr Debbie Ging (Dublin City University, Ireland)
[2019] Dr Sarah Meehan O’Callaghan, Approaching the Paradox of Being: Contextualising the Trauma of the Body in the Drama of Artaud, Beckett, and Genet. Supervised by Jean-Philippe Imbert and Dr Francesca Counihan (N.U.I. Maynooth, Ireland)
[2015] Dr Grainne Healy [IRC Scholar], An Exploration of the Meaning of Civil Partnership for Lesbian Women and Gay Men. Supervised by Jean-Philippe Imbert and Dr Mel Duffy (Dublin City University, Ireland)
[2015] Dr Omar Baz Radwan [SALIS Scholar], “Ambiguous State of Being”: Identity Construction in Contemporary Arab-American (post-9/11) Poetry. Supervised by Jean-Philippe Imbert and Prof. Samira Aghacy (Lebanese American University, Lebanon)
[2017] Dr Kirsty Park [IRC Scholar], Changing Spaces: Examining the Role that the Internet Plays in the Lives of LGBT Youth in Ireland. Supervised by Dr Debbie Ging (Dublin City University, Ireland)
[2012] Dr Dearbhla Mc Grath, Monstrous Sexualities; A Comparative Analysis of Contemporary Retellings of La Belle et La Bête. Supervised by Jean-Philippe Imbert and Dr Brigitte Le Juez (Dublin City University, Ireland)
Pre-2020 Conferences
HIV/AIDS Then and Now: HIV and Cultural Memory, Dublin City University, November 2019,
The 10th IASSCS Conference, Literacies and Sexualities in Cultural, Fictional, Real, and Virtual Worlds:Past, Present, Future Perfect?” Dublin City University, June 2015, with a Global Health Conference VLOG
The Third Biannual Irish Conference in Sexuality Studies: Self, Selves and Sexualities, Dublin City University, March 2014
(Conference videos available here)
The 4th European Transgender Council, Dublin City University, September 2012
The Second Biannual Irish Conference in Sexuality Studies: Self, Selves and Sexualities, Dublin City University, March 2012,
The First Irish Sexuality Studies Conference: Self, Selves and Sexualities, Dublin City University, March 2010,
Pre-2020 Seminars
[14 November 2019 ] David Carroll, Songs to Save your life: Queer Messaging of 80's Pop Music (SALIS Seminar)
[4 April 2019] Jean-Philippe Imbert: Mathilde Daudet: An Interview
[3 April 2019] David Carroll: Spectacular Sexualities - A Roundtable with David Carroll, Martin Mc Cann and Garry O'Neill
[22 March 2018] Dr Sylvain Bosselet, Paris 10, France: Sex Matters- From Pleasure to Panic
[6 April 2013] Dr Jyoti Atwal, Jawaharlal Nehru University, India: Sex and Cast in India
[6 January 2013] Maighread Meadbh, Poetess [Poetry Ireland]: Eroticism and Poetry
[21 February 2013] Benjamin Dwyer, Composer: Excavating in the Irrational: Gender and Tragedy in Music
[13 December 2012] Sridhar Rangayan [film maker and activist, Mumbai, India], Film Showing and Interview - HIV and India
[1 December 2011] Dr Clemens Ruthner, Trinity College Dublin: Pornography, Methodologies and Theories
[15 November 2011] Dr Philip Cottrell,University College Dublin: Loosing Your Head: Decapitation and Sexuality in Carraviagio's Works
[19 April 2011] Officer Paul Franey, An Garda Síochána: The Experience of the Gay and Lesbian Police Officer in Ireland
[5 April 2011] Dr Ger Moane, University College Dublin: Liberation Psychology and Emancipatory Practice: LGBT Perspectives
[28 March 2011] Dr Luis Peraza Parga, Universidad Complutense, Madrid: Sexuality and Human Rights in America
[22 March 2011] Denise Charlton, Chief Executive, Immigrant Council of Ireland: Globalisation, Sex Trafficking and Prostitution: The Experiences of Migrant Women in Ireland
[1st March 2011] Hilkka Becker, Senior Solicitor, Immigrant Council of Ireland: Same-Sex Families and Migration in Ireland
[17 February 2011] Dr Upneet Lalli, Deputy Director, Institute of Correctional Administration, Chandigarh, India: A Socio-Legal Perspective on Sexual Violence against Women in Indian Society
[15 February 2011] Bishop Pat Buckley, Northern Ireland: Spirituality and Sexuality
[14 December 2010] Dr Barbara Freitag, Dublin City University: Sheela-na-gigs: Images of Lust
[23 November 2010] Dr Katherine Zappone and Dr Ann Louise Gilligan, activists: On Same Sex Marriage and Legislation
[9 November 2010] Brian Finnegan, journalist and Gay Community News Editor: Interview
[19 October 2010] Louise Hannon, transgendered woman activist: Why do we need a Gender Recognition Act in Ireland?
[5 October 2010] Andrew Madden, author of Altar Boy [Penguin, 2005]: Writing Abuse: An Interview
[22 March 2010] Riham Shebl, The American University of Cairo: Female Genital Mutilation in Egypt
Pre-2020 Cultural Events
[3 April 2019] An evening with Maggie O’Farrell & Noëlle Châtelet
[5,6,7, April 2019] Women – Mnà – Femmes Franco-Irish Literary Festival (in conjunction with the French Embassy in Ireland and Alliance Française Dublin
[23, 24, 25 March 2018] Sex and Sensibility – Collaíocht agus Céadfaíocht– Sexe et Sentiments – Franco-Irish Literary Festival (in conjunction with the French Embassy in Ireland and Alliance Française Dublin
[28 September 2017] Dr. Mel Duffy recalls milestones on the road to Gender Recognition in Ireland.